“To be able to encourage others, we begin by encouraging ourselves”
Listen to Anne talking in a radio interview about Encouragement.
Create a habit of courage
Encourage yourself each day
Small steps at a time
brings confidence into play
Be grateful for what you have
Greet others with a smile
Believe that you can do things
Know that you're worthwhile
Encouragement opens a door
Breathe. Step outside.
Support yourself and others.
Thrive on a positive vibe.
Cherish your dreams of stardust.
Nurture yourself within.
Be brave as you step forward.
The courage is to begin.
Let’s say Yes today to:
ï‚· Courage as we work
ï‚· Courage as we build relationships
ï‚· Courage as we try new things
ï‚· Courage as we face each new day
ï‚· Courage as we move forward
To Encourage therefore is to keep building courage:
ï‚· In our hearts
ï‚· In our lives
ï‚· In our daily interactions with others
ï‚· In our thoughts and belief systems
ï‚· In our attitudes and our way of doing things
Why not take small steps today to build your courage?
Make it a daily habit.
Reflect for a moment and ponder:
How do you encourage yourself?
What encouraging words do you use?
Write out positive statements that affirm and encourage you
i.e. I am brave, I can do this, I am worth it…
Look into your mirror and repeat them to yourself.
Why not say to others - I hear you, I believe in you, Thank you, I
appreciate your contribution.
Believe that you have the power within to encourage yourself, and to
encourage others too.
Try small, easy, manageable tasks that build your confidence.
ï‚· Go for a short walk.
ï‚· Smile at those around you.
ï‚· Remind yourself that you can handle any difficult situation.
ï‚· Use positive encouraging self-talk.
ï‚· Develop active listening skills.
Remember to take one small step at a time.
Watch your confidence and your courage grow.
Encouraging yourself is an act of self-care.
Encouraging others is an act of kindness and service.
Little things make such a difference.
A kind encouraging word can lift someone’s day.
Begin first and foremost with yourself.
That is where it all begins.